
In English

This is HPI Health Profile Institute

Plustoo is an innovative software solution that collects, analyses, and visualizes data, enabling occupational health providers, employers and employees to collaborate for a more healthy and sustainable work environment.

“Our mission since 1976 is to develop health promotion methods and services that motivate people to have a healthier lifestyle and a healthier working life.”

Since october 2022 we are part of Carasent ASA. Carasent develops and provides a seamless ecosystem of integrations enabling healthcare services of the future. Carasent offers services such as the cloud based EMR solution Webdoc and communication platform Vårdrummet.

Pioneers in health development

Since 1976 we have developed health promotion methods that help individuals and organizations motivate people to improve their health. Our mission is to increase knowledge about health and lifestyle choices and for more people to have a sustainable working life. Our health promotion methods are interdisciplinary in behavioural science, physiology and medicine.

We train business health professionals, wellness companies, gym- and fitness facilities as well as students and other private actors working with health development using our methods. Together with various partners, we research health and wellness and actively participate in settings where our knowledge can be valuable.

Evidence-based methods

The authors of our health promotion methods are Sture Malmgren and Gunnar Andersson. Together they developed the Health Profile-method and started an educational program that has become well known within health and wellness in Sweden. Through continued research and development of health promotion methods, we have become a leader in health development.

Innovative platform

Behind our platform is a strong technical team that is continuously developing and improving functions to facilitate the work of our customers. Our ambition is to make it easy to process results and statistics to get educational and safe results of health and work environment using our platform.

Research on health, lifestyle and work environment

We collaborate with researchers at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Halmstad University and the University of Gothenburg in physiology, behavioural science, epidemiology and medical science.

We base many of the research projects on health data that we have collected since the early 1990s, which enables unique research on Swedish working life.

For more material in English, please download our presentations here.